Jass is a Nursing student working at the Oxnard hospital through evenings and all through the morning. Of the large community on Bookstagram, she has created a tremendous following of over 7,000 people who are actively interested in her book reviews and love for the series Crescent City. 

Crescent City is a trilogy written by Sarah J Maas and published from a multiverse of 15. In this story of over 2,500 pages, we meet Bryce Quinlan, Hunt Athalar, and many other fictional characters. Jass is a strong believer that these fictional characters, who we see grow over these thousands of words, can shape your life and forge your identity. As she’s mentioned in the interview, Bryce Quinlan, has given her motivation in life. She’s given her a friend and someone to look up to when she feels alone. Sometimes, reading and seclusion can be a lonely thing, despite being surrounded by people who are between the pages. 

Jass believes that some authors have the capability to affect readers deeper than expected. Maas herself has done that with thousands of her readers and Jass is just one of the many. 

Through her love for the series, she’s garnered a following of people who adore the characters in tangent. Jass is also a fan of fan art which one can find on the app Pinterest. Here we are able to see character depictions and develop a more physical understanding of the written people themselves. On pinterest, many readers find themselves saving art and keeping these drawn up characters close to their hearts. As a result, Jass has now gotten three tattoos from the Crescent City series as it lives deeply in her heart. 

There is a tattoo on Jass’s chest of Bryce Quinlan’s scar. She believes this makes her strong, loving of herself despite what she’s gone through to get there. She also has a tattoo of the quote, “Through love all is possible.” This quote has been a motivator throughout her family and relationships to persevere. Finally, Jass has a Bryce-related tattoo on her wrist of Quinlan’s sword. This is a piece of this book character which has been by her side through hardships and times of serenity. This tattoo makes her feel like she always has something to protect her. 

Jass says, “Sometimes people think it’s silly– to have tattoos from my favorite book. But what they don’t realize is, these stories have made me who I am. Having these tattoos on the outside of my body are simply physical representations of what is on the insides.”

As readers dive into the Sarah J Maas universe, it is apparent that Maas has not only affected Jass, but saved or even shaped many lives of her fans considering the mass of people on Bookstagram who review her books to high exalt. 

As Jass continues her Bookstagram journey, she knows that it will always be a piece of her: reading. Whether old age or the future claims her instagram space in the world, reading and books will guide her. Just as they have all the way to friends from other states, friends from other countries, and friends close to home. Without these relationships, Jass wouldn’t be the person she is today. Without these book characters, Jass’s identity would be wandering through time and space. Sarah J Maas with her writing opened doors within Jass’s soul and forever will she be grateful.