Fill me up with liquor and love. Crack open a beer, pour me a shot, and let’s drink to temporary fulfillment. And although the liquor in my stomach may dissipate quickly and your love will fade even quicker, that’s okay because I won’t remember it tomorrow. When that morning light finally greets me, the only fulfilling substance to drown those moments is another night of liquor laced love. Yet not just any kind of liquor. Not just any kind of love, but yours. Drown me in intoxicating drinks, flood my skin with your touch and my broken heart with your weaving words, but don’t let this last hour slip from us. Let’s drink until the sun comes and tomorrow is really just tonight. We’ll spike our morning coffee and then our lunch sodas and for fucksake I’ll be an alcoholic off your love. And until the hangover hits and love’s demise creeps up, we’ll be drunk off each other for days. Then just before our intoxicated love becomes toxic, we’ll sip to our lustful love until the earth is flat, or until our last drunken breath. Because sobriety is lonely when I could be buzzed by that liquor laced love. For when tomorrow comes and my mind spins with missing hours, I’ll forget it. But for now, just one more shot. A shot of liquor. A shot of love. And a shot at forever.